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时间:2024-06-26 18:50:04 点击: 【字体:

  6月24日,2024“鼓岭缘”中美青年交流周在福州开幕,美国穆蔼仁家族后人、鼓岭旅游文化研究会高级顾问兼首席研究员、“鼓岭之友”穆言灵(Elyn MacInnis)应邀再次参访福州鼓岭。 6月24日,穆言灵在接受中青报·中青网记者专访时表示,中美关系的未来在青年,希望青年投入到热爱的事情当中,为世界贡献自己的力量。(中青报·中青网见习记者 蒋继璇 马子倩 记者 赵安琪)

  "Friend of Kuliang" Elyn MacInnis: Young people make China-U.S. relations get better

  On June 24, “Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival”opened in Fuzhou, Fujian. Elyn MacInnis, a descendant of Donald MacInnis family in the United States, senior advisor and chief researcher of the Kuliang Tourism and Cultural Research Association, and a "Friend of Kuliang", was invited to attend the festival. In an exclusive interview with the China Youth Daily on June 24, MacInnis said that the future of China-U.S. relations lies in the youth, and she hopes that young people can devote themselves to what they love and contribute their own strength to the world. (Reporter:Jixuan Jiang, Ziqian Ma, Anqi Zhao)